Saturday, October 01, 2005


Global Testing - A Case Study

Updates :
  1. Sold the last of my hldgs on 25-Jan-06 @ $0.34 even tho' I believe there's a possible 10-20% potential upside due to the coming good Q4 results and the many bullish analysts' recommendations for semicon stocks. My reasons - GTC to me is a a very speculative stock and I'm more than happy with the profits I've made for the last 3 mths. The 6mths lock-up period imposed on the previous major shareholders and employees will also be due soon and there may be some selling. If so, I may pick up some GTC if the price should weaken, but in the meantime I'll be able to sleep much better :D
  2. Added Q305 Results on 7-Jan-06 (Released on 27-Oct-05)

I got GTC during the IPO at $0.30 which was listed on 24-Aug-05. I also bought more on 24-Aug @ $0.28, $0.285 on 29-Aug and $0.25 on 8-Sep for an overall average cost of $0.273. My initial studies of the IPO prospectus had given me the confidence to apply for the IPO, although the share price subsequently did not perform to my expectations. Next, the 1H results on 5-Sep-05 provided rather positive outlook for the coming months. Still, the share price didn't even attempt a breach of the IPO price of $0.30. Finally, a rather optimistic report was released by UOB-KayHian on 22-Sep-05 with a 1-year target price of $0.40. GTC share price managed to come off its low of aro' $0.25 and hit a high of $0.28 but now it looks likeit's going back down again.

So, now, a study to see what direction I should take, ie. to sell or to accumulate more shares :D

Financial Data
All the data in this case study are extracted fm the GTC IPO Prospectus and 2005 Mid-Year reports. Some of the figures in the fllwg table are extracted fm the periodical "Shares Investment",

Global Testing200220032004Q105Q205Q305FY05
Margin (%)





ROE (%)--14.96----
DIV (US$)-------
EPS (US$)------0.00350.00830.0213
Turnover (US$M)25.6125.245.188.28611.72616.11053.484
Cash + Bank Bal (US$M)?-6.072-2.23734.46019.374
Short Term Investment (US$M)?-5.282-1.6741.582-
Current Liabilities - Bank Borrowings (US$M)?-29.37-14.1915.66412.183
Long Term Bank Borrowings (US$M)?-22.09-39.165.35657.856
NAV / Share (US$)?-0.1101



Issued Shares = 875,000,000 @ $0.10 Par ; PE 12.7 @ $0.28

Note : FY05 is end-Dec

Substantial Hldgs

Q305 Results (Extracts)

UOB KayHian Report (Extracts)

Our target price of S$0.40 represents FY05 EV/EBITDA of 5x (STATS ChipPAC: 8.8x, UTAC: 4.1x) and FY05 PE of 13x (UTAC: 18.5x).

FY05 Mid Year Results (Extracts)

in the previous corresponding period, despite a decrease in utilization rate in 2QFY2005. However, the Group’s gross margin improved on a sequential basis from 33.1% in 1QFY2005 to 43.8% in 2QFY2005. This was mainly due to the Group’s better product and improved machine utilization rates, which rose from 56% in 1QFY2005 to 80% in 2QFY2005.

Basic earnings per share registered was 0.35 US cent in 2QFY2005. Net asset value per sharewas 11.38 US cents as at June 30, 2005.

Growth Strategies

Going forward, the Group believes that its growth in 3QFY2005 will be driven by increased wafer testing opportunities as its customers are guiding for a rapid increase in total wafer volume during the period. The demand for consumer IC testing, such as DVD chips, STB chips, HDD (hard disk drive) controller IC, gaming applications IC and LAN IC, is also expected to be strong.

Mr Yang said: “We expect our gross margin in 3QFY2005 to improve further with higher machine utilization rates, compared to the average of 80% recorded in 2QFY2005, as well as increasing wafer testing volume from major foundry customers and improving average selling prices. We expect these positive trends to continue, based on our customers’ current forecasts.”

Going forward, the Group intends to embark on a concerted sales strategy to focus on the provision of higher margin wafer sorting of mixed signal semiconductors to fabless companies and integrated device manufacturers. “We plan to leverage on our strong capabilities in wafer sorting and consumer mixedsignal IC testing to tap on these opportunities brought about by the growth in the trend of outsourcing semiconductor testing services by IDMs and fabless companies,” added Mr Yang. In addition, the Group plans to extend its capabilities to meet the demand for testing of larger wafers such as 12 inch (300 mm) wafers. The Group intends to utilize part of its IPO proceeds to purchase new factory premises, plant and equipment and construct ancillary facilities to handle this demand.

IPO Prospectus (Extracts)

The fllwg were comments I previously made in forum,


Be warned, the above had been created to justify my recent buy :D

Based on 1H05 results and mgmt guidance, GTC results will only get better fm now till year end, but, it'll not be as good as FY04. Still, at least it's expected to be profitable.

GTC have good blue chip customers, but they may be over-reliant on the top 5 which accts for the bulk of their revenue. The loss of 1-2 of the top customers will have major impact on their profitability.

As GTC is rather small, there's room for aggressive growth and I believe this is what the mgmt intends to do. This is seen fm their decision to move their listing fm Taiwan to S'pore where there's less competition for them to raise cash (fewer similar semicon cos. here) and their use of the IPO proceeds for expansion rather than to pay off their huge borrowings. GTC shld thus be seen as a potential growth stock, rather than a dividend yield play. Still, one lingering question I have is why they'd not been able to grow despite their listing in Taiwan previously. Semicon biz is also a highly cyclical biz and this is evident fm their good results in FY04 and the subsequent pull-back in Q1-05.

GTC must thus be seen as a high risk stock and be treated with due respect.

My Action

Haha.. U tell me :D

Maybe trade between $0.25-$0.27 and wait for rally aro' end-Dec to B-Jan. Watch Q3 results closely and the mgmt guidance. May rally if Q3 results surpasses that of Q2. Also got to watch the 6-mths lock-up period (Feb-06) closely as insiders may be waiting to sell. Good thing it shld be after FY05 results are out :D

Share Price


Disclaimer : Use the above at your own risk! We'll not be responsible for any losses incurred but you can give us credit if you make money :D